Educational Alternative
Resolution Services (EARS)

There is often the need for confidential mediation and resolution services provided by an impartial party in educational, workplace and law enforcement settings. D-Prep’s team of alternative resolution staff bring with them deep experience in mediation, counseling, threat assessment, conflict resolution, interpersonal group dynamics, leadership, and supervision.
Another option to resolve a Title IX complaint beyond a formal process conducted at our college, university, school, or student work study/internship site
Help for small departments or businesses with staff grievances or complaints against supervisors
Guidance when tensions arise between a law enforcement office and the community they serve
Our multi-disciplinary team provides timely, effective, and culturally competent resolutions to staff and student concerns through a process tailored to the unique needs presented by each case. We have found flexibility and the careful assignment of team members to match the needs of scenarios critical to successful resolution.
Common Types of Alternative Resolution Requests:
Interpersonal conflict impacting workplace and educational settings
Sexual harassment, stalking, intimate partner violence, and assault cases
Discrimination claims related to race, ethnicity, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion, age, or disability
Tensions between a supervisee and their supervisor
Concerns that have been resistant to traditional human resource or formal resolution proceedings
Phase One: Initial Inquiry
Contact us using the form below or email Brian Van Brunt
Meet via zoom to discuss the request and develop a timeline, scope, confidentiality expectations and goals
Select D-Prep staff for this engagement
Receive proposal and agreement for services
Receive informed, written consent from parties about participation in informal resolution
Phase Two: Information Gathering
Zoom meetings with individuals involved in the alternative resolution and a D-Prep staff member to gather information and determine what they are looking for out of the agreement
D-Prep staff meeting to discuss assess next steps and additional information needed
Phase Three: Agreement Development
D-Prep staff meet and discuss the development of the alternative resolution agreement based on individual staff interviews
Completion of draft agreement
Draft agreement reviewed by school, university, department, or workplace
Updated changes based on referral feedback
Schedule joint mediation meeting between parties where appropriate
Phase Four: Agreement Completion
Agreement sent to parties involved for their review
Zoom meetings with individuals involved in the alternative resolution and a D-Prep staff member to discuss their comments and additions to the alternative resolution document
- Agreement updated based on feedback and finalized
- Documentation of informal resolution process completed
Signatures from those involved on final agreement
There are several factors that impact pricing, including
The complexity of the case and the number of parties involved
The speed at which the process needs to begin and reach resolution
Previous and future work agreements between D-Prep and the referral sources (e.g., retainers or other services between the referral source and D-Prep)
Our hourly rate is $250 and most resolution processes are completed between $3000–$6500, depending the variables mentioned above.
Our Team
Part of our commitment to forming the EARS group is to offer flexible and affordable alternatives to formal and lengthy resolution processes. With content experts in sexual assault, FERPA/HIPAA, law enforcement policy, CARE/BIT, mental illness, human resources, disability accommodations, trauma-informed care, and diversity, equity and inclusion, we want to ensure each case we take has the right resources, planning and process to lead to a successful outcome for all involved.
Hodo, T., Whitfield, J., Van Brunt, B., & Fitch, P. (2023) How to engage in difficult conversations on identity, race, and politics in higher education: A practical guide for faculty. Routledge.
Murphy, A. & Van Brunt, B. (2016). Uprooting sexual violence in higher education: A guide for practitioners and faculty. Routledge.
Book Chapters
Hodo, T., Fitch, P. & Murphy, A. (2023). Women’s rights. In Hodo, T., Whitfield, J., Van Brunt, B., & Fitch, P., How to engage in difficult conversations on identity, race, and politics in higher education: A practical guide for faculty. Routledge.
Peer Reviewed Journals
Van Brunt, B., Murphy, A., Pescara-Kovach, L. & Crance, G. (2018). Early identification of grooming and targeting in predatory sexual behavior on college campuses. Violence and Gender. Advance online publication:
Murphy, A. (2016). Monitoring campus climate requires more than simply administering surveys. Title IX Today, 1 (11), 1-3.
Van Brunt, B. (Ed.) (2016). Journal of Campus Title IX Compliance and Best Practices, 2. The Association Title IX Administrators.
Henry, M., Lewis, W, Morris, L., Schuster, S., Sokolow, B., Swinton, D. & Van Brunt, B. (2016). The seven deadly sins of Title IX investigations. A whitepaper of the Association of Title IX Administrators.
Van Brunt, B. (Ed.) (2015). Journal of Campus Title IX Compliance and Best Practices, 1. The Association of Title IX Administrators.
Van Brunt, B. (2023, August). Trauma Informed Intake and Interviewing Skills.
Van Brunt, B. & Murphy, A. (2022, March). Title IX, Clery & FERPA: Policy Development, Compliance & Ethical Considerations for Mental Health Counselors. Innovative Educators.
Van Brunt, B. & Murphy, A. (2016, April). Title IX Training: Techniques & Guidance for Trauma-Informed Investigations [Webinar]. Innovative Educators.
Van Brunt, B. & Murphy, A. (2015, December). The 12 Risk Factors of Sexual Violence: Implications for Education, Compliance & Sanctioning. Presented for Innovative Educators, Boulder, CO.
Van Brunt, B. & Murphy, A. (2014, September 30). The Violence Against Women Act: Developing educational programs for compliance. Presented for Innovative Educators, Boulder, CO.
Conference Presentations
Bullard, C., Smith, B., & Van Brunt, B. (2023, March). Is this a IX? Doing triage well [Panel discussion]. Title IX for K-12: Assessing Risk, Regulation, and Documentation, Nashville, TN.
Van Brunt, B. (2023, March). Safety in the Title IX environment. Title IX for K-12: Assessing Risk, Regulation, and Documentation, Nashville, TN.
Bullard, C., Smith, B., & Van Brunt, B. (2023, March). Interpersonal violence: Risk, safety and response [Panel discussion]. Title IX for K-12: Assessing Risk, Regulation, and Documentation, Nashville, TN.
Bullard, C., Smith, B., & Van Brunt, B. (2023, March). Violence risk assessment and emergency removal evaluations: Title IX and BIT working together [Panel discussion]. Title IX for K-12: Assessing Risk, Regulation, and Documentation, Nashville, TN.
Van Brunt, B. (2023, March). Teaching consent: Legal and aspirational considerations [Panel discussion]. Title IX for K-12: Assessing Risk, Regulation, and Documentation, Nashville, TN.
Murphy, A. (2021, December). Climate matters: Cultivating safe and empowering online learning environments. International Forum for Women in E-Learning.
Van Brunt, B. (2018). Addressing bias and assessing creditability [Keynote]. 3rd Annual Title IX ExecuSummit.
Murphy, A. (2017, June). Trauma-informed care and case management systems. Higher Education Case Managers Association Annual Roundtable, Denver, CO.
Van Brunt, B. & Murphy, A. (2017, February). Uprooting sexual violence: Risk factors and solutions. American College Counseling Association (ACCA), Tampa Bay, FL.
Van Brunt, B., Schuster, S. & Murphy, A. (2017, February). Trauma-Informed: Techniques & guidance for trauma-informed investigations & processes [Pre-conference]. Association of Student Conduct Administrators Annual Conference, Jacksonville, FL.
Van Brunt, B. & Murphy, A. (2017, February). Uprooting sexual violence: Risk factors and solutions. American College Counseling Association, Tampa Bay, FL.
Murphy, A. & Lewis, S. (2016, November). Title IX and BITs [Roundtable]. National Behavioral Intervention Team Annual Conference, San Antonio, TX.
Murphy, A. & Van Brunt, B. (2016, January). The 12 risk factors of sexual violence: Implications for education, compliance & sanctioning. Association of Student Conduct Administrators Annual Conference, St. Petersburg, FL
Murphy, A. & Van Brunt, B. (2016, March 21). The 12 risk factors of sexual violence: Implications for education, compliance & sanctioning. Annual Texas Higher Education Law Conference, University of North Texas, Denton, TX.
Schuster, S.K., Van Brunt, B., Murphy, A. Kushmider, K.D., Wolf, C.R. & Tejada, A. (2015). Title IX meets BITs: Handling gender-based complaints through campus collaboration. Berwyn, PA: National Behavioral Intervention Team Association.
Murphy, A. & Van Brunt, B. (2016, March 21). The 12 risk factors of sexual violence: Implications for education, compliance & sanctioning. The 20th Annual Texas Higher Education Law Conference, University of North Texas, Denton, TX.
Van Brunt, B. (2016). Uprooting sexual violence: Root factors and solutions [Keynote]. Title IX Executive Summit. Uncasville, CT.
Van Brunt, B., Perry, M. & Lewis, W. (2016). Social media & Title IX collide: Gossip sites, free speech, proactive policies. Association of Student Conduct Officers Annual Conference. St. Pete Island, FL.
Murphy, A. & Van Brunt, B. (2015, April). The 12 risk factors for sexual violence on college campuses. The 4th Annual Legal Issues Conference, Mississippi State University, Starksville, MS.
Murphy, A. & Van Brunt, B. (2015). The dirty dozen: 12 risk factors for sexual violence on college campuses [Pre-conference]. National Behavioral Intervention Team Association (NABITA) Conference. San Antonio, TX.
Murphy, A. & Henry, M. (2014, October). Title IX policy & process at large 4-year university: Victim-focused response in a due-process centered approach. Association of Title IX Administrators Annual Conference, Orlando, FL.
Van Brunt, B. & Murphy, A. (2014, November 7). The Violence Against Women Act: Developing educational programs for compliance. Texas Association of College and University Student Personnel Administrators (TACUSPA).
Van Brunt, B. (2014). First responder: What to say and what to do following a sexual assault. Paper presented at the Association of Title IX Administrators/School and College Organization for Prevention Educators (ATIXA/SCOPE) Annual Conference. Orlando, FL.
Institutional and System Trainings
Van Brunt, B. (2018). Three-Day Title IX Investigation Training. American University Beirut (AUB), Lebanon.
Van Brunt, B. (2018). Two-Day ATIXA Coordinator Level Five. Orlando, FL.
Van Brunt, B. (2018). Two-Day ATIXA Strategic Prevention Track, Columbus, OH.
Van Brunt, B. & Murphy, A. (2016). Five-Day NaBITA and ATIXA Training Courses Based on Campus Audit. Palomar College, San Marcos, CA.
Van Brunt, B. (2014). Nine Mistakes with Title IX: An Awareness Training for Staff and Faculty [Keynote]. Staff and Faculty Development Day. Laramie Community College. Cheyenne, WY.
Content Development
Van Brunt, B. (2022). Gender Equity, Sexual Harassment and Violence Prevention Training Course. Online training course for students at the San Diego Community College District.
Murphy, A. & Van Brunt, B. (2022). Title IX Interviewer Training. D-PREP Training and Consulting Services for Disaster Preparation and Critical Incident Response.
Van Brunt, B., Murphy, A. & Miller, L. (2021). Title IX Training. Provided video content and case responses for Innovative Educators online training course.
Professional Experience – Brian Van Brunt
Partner, TNG Consulting; President, NABITA (2013-2021)
Create innovative content for online education, keynote lectures, and training events in the areas of counseling, student conduct, sexual assault prevention, and legal compliance for TNG, NABITA and ATIXA.
Professional Experience - Amy Murphy
Texas Tech University (2012-2016), Dean of Students/Managing Director, Center for Campus Life
Deputy Title IX Coordinator oversight of prevention and response activities related to gender discrimination, harassment, and sexual violence.
Policy review and development related to student life.
Creation of Student Resolution Center to provide expanded services related to coaching and skill development, student complaints, case management of student concerns, crisis response, and investigation of discriminatory and sexual harassment
Coordination of review and new strategy implementation related to Title IX, Violence Against Women’s Act, and sexual violence prevention, response, investigation, and hearing processes
Member – Task Force on Sexual Harassment and Sexual Assault, Texas Tech University 2014-2016
Chair, Sexual Assault Stakeholders 2013-2015
Weiser, D. & Murphy, A. (2015, December). Confronting myths about sexual and relationship violence. Presented for faculty and staff, Teaching Learning & Professional Development Center, Lubbock, TX.
Bingham, C., Murphy, A., & Phillips, R. (2014, December). What chairs need to know about Title IX. Presented for Department Chair Academy, Teaching Learning & Professional Development Center, Lubbock, TX.
Murphy, A. (2013). Title IX training. Presented for Angelo State University Student Affairs Staff, San Angelo, TX.
The NCHERM Group, Affiliated Consultant, 2015-2017
Faculty for ATIXA Title IX Coordinator and Administrator Training & Certification
Level Three Course and Climate Surveys, VAWA Compliance and Strategic Prevention (October 2017)
Training & Certification Level One Course (January 2016)
Contributing Editor, Title IX Today Newsletter (2016)
Tip of Week Contributor, ATIXA Weekly Newsletters (2016)
Professional Development Related to Title IX - Amy Murphy
Annual Back to School Legal Update, Jim Walsh, Attorney at Law Walsh, Anderson, Gallegos, Green & Trevino (2016-2023)
Association of Title IX Coordinators & Administrators Certifications (2012-2017)
Due Process Training Track
Investigator Training Track
Coordinator Training Track
Initial Certification
Association for Student Conduct Administrators Conference Participation 2013-2016
TACUSPA Law Conference 2012-2016

David Denino, LPC, NCC, worked in higher education and college counseling over the past several decades and is director emeritus of counseling services at Southern Connecticut State University. David is a master trainer of Question Persuade Refer (QPR) and was the key person in bringing the QPR model to the state university system in Connecticut. A certified clinical trauma professional, David is also a Red Cross mental health first responder and is the mental health lead for the states of Connecticut and Rhode Island. As such, he has assisted with relief efforts for hurricanes Katrina, Sandy, and Harvey as well as provided mental health support at the Sandy Hook and Las Vegas shootings.

Tammy L. Hodo, PhD, has been working in the diversity, equity, and inclusion field for most of her professional career. Being biracial and reared in the Midwest, Tammy learned early on that race, although a social construct, impacts life chances and experiences. She has the lived experience of being both European American and African American. Coming from a middle-class family and being reared in a predominantly white space provided her opportunities she would later learn were not available to everyone that presented/looked like her. She has written peer-review articles about the experiences of minorities in academia.

Robert Scholz, MA, LMFT, LPCC, is a licensed psychotherapist in California and Arizona, as well as a consultant and trainer throughout the United States. He has served in many clinical and leadership roles over the past 25 years, working in university, community mental health, forensic and private practice settings. Robert is well-known for his work as a trainer and consultant in assisting schools/universities and communities respond to major crisis events like wildfires, mass shootings, deaths of students/employees and responding to sexual and other types of interpersonal violence. He serves as the clinical supervisor for the Route 91 So Cal Heals project, which provides case management, peer support and support group care for survivors and family members impacted by the Las Vegas and Borderline Nightclub mass shootings.

Jacques Whitfield, JD, is a seasoned human resources executive with over 25 years of experience in human resources management. Jacques recently completed a six year tenure as the chief human resources officer for the Yuba Community College District. Jacques was responsible for the management and oversight of the human resources operations for the district and is credited with revitalizing and streamlining the human resource operations for the Yuba Community College District. Jacques is a subject matter expert in performance management, employee engagement and state and federal EEO compliance matters. He is highly accomplished in successfully working with others to develop professional skills and improve employee effectiveness through training and development. Jacques is a frequent speaker, trainer and presenter.

Poppy Fitch, Ed.D., is the Dean of Wellness and Disability Support Programs and Services at San Diego Community College District. A higher education scholar, administrator and counselor, Poppy's work is focused on the intersection of student wellbeing and academic success, and she leads programs that support access and equity for students with disabilities, including workforce development programs aimed at addressing underemployment and combating poverty within the disability community. As a lecturer in the San Diego State University Educational Leadership doctoral program, Poppy is inspired by the scholarship of her students. She is a Gallup-certified Strengths Mentor and Coach, committed to building strengths-focused teams across educational institutions. Co-author of A Guide to Leadership and Management in Higher Education: Managing Across the Generations, Poppy regularly speaks at regional and national conferences on leadership, educational equity, and student success.

Vanessa Pomarico, EdD, APRN, FNP-BC, FAANP, is a senior lecturer for Fitzgerald Health Education Associates (FHEA) and is employed by Northeast Medical Group (NEMG) in Hamden, CT. An author, educator, volunteer and nursing leader, she is lead clinician for the diversity and inclusion committee and is the system-wide trainer for NEMG on LGBTQIA+ healthcare. She is a co-author and contributing author of several nursing textbooks and has published several articles in the FHEA newsletters. She has served on the advisory board for The Jim Collins Foundation, a non-profit organization community-based initiative promoting the self-determination and empowerment of all transgender people. She currently serves as Co-Chair of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners (AANP) Health Equity, Diversion and Inclusion Specialty Interest Group that offers unique networking opportunities with NP colleagues with shared interests to help create an inclusive culture, education about racial biases, advocacy for changes that reduce health disparities and promote equity. Additionally, she serves on the FAANP Mentorship Committee as well as the FANNP Selection Committee.

Chris Taylor, PhD, a 30-year veteran of higher education, serves as the executive director of the International Association for Care and Threat Teams (InterACTT). He recently left his position as the dean of students and chief student affairs officer at Wright State University in Dayton, Ohio where he had responsibility for counseling and wellness, student advocacy, student union and programs, recreational sports, residence life, and student conduct. He also chaired the university CARE and threat team. He has served on the leadership team for the Association of Student Conduct Administrators, and has been a member of NASPA, ACPA, ACUHO-I, and the American Men's Studies Association. He is a trained Title IX adjudicator and has also worked with D Stafford and Associates as a national Clery Act consultant.