Talking to Kids About Scary Things: School Shootings, Suicide, and Trauma
What should you say to your child following a school shooting? How do you talk to them following the death of a friend or when they experience trauma?
Join us for some practical advice and a discussion with parents on this important issue. This program will address how to talk to kids after large critical incidents like school shootings, suicide or other traumas occur. This practical and interactive workshop will help participants better prepare for these conversations with expert advice. Drawing from best practices in trauma response and culturally informed interventions, the workshop will offer practical advice and guidance to help primary and secondary students right after the trauma and in the days and months that follow.
Learn the importance of preparing to have these conversations beforehand and the importance of genuineness and authenticity in your response.
Discuss how to talk about your children’s concerns from a culturally informed perspective which is tailored to developmental stages.
Receive handouts, practical lists, online resources, and examples scripts to use when talking to your children.
Have the opportunity to share with other parents who have experience in walking through these experiences with their children.