Addressing Criminal and Student Conduct Complaints
School resource officers (SROs), campus safety officers, and law enforcement often find themselves in the position of responding to both complaints and concerns that have criminal implications and those limited to school or college conduct and discipline policy violations (non-criminal). SROs and campus police should have a clear understanding and accompanying procedure of how to respond to both criminal and non-criminal matters as they impact the school climate. Successful SRO and campus safety programs adopt a continuous education process for the school community, so they can reduce conflict and avoid surprises. This understanding and education within the school then becomes essential in the development of formal and informal memorandums of understanding (MOUs) and agreements with outside agencies and departments.
Law enforcement professionals working outside of the school environment need to develop a detailed understanding of conflicts and miscommunications that occur when interacting with K-12 schools, colleges, and universities. The program provides law enforcement professionals the opportunity to improve their understanding and communication with schools and colleges within their area of responsibilities.
More details on our Preparedness Page.